Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Avery's room

We've made a lot of progress on the nursery the past week. My mom came Thursday and her and Darrell got all of the furniture upstairs and put in place. I was a little nervous that we made the wrong choice giving her the smaller of the extra rooms after seeing how big the furniture was. But once we got everything de-cluttered and put in place, I think it's fine. 

The outside view from the hall.

To the right of the door, the changer and closet.

An up close of the mirror above the changer. I love this mirror so much. Darrell and I found it at an estate sale at least 2-3 years ago and I fell in love with it. I visioned it in a little girl's nursery, but knew that might not happen.  I insisted on lugging this thing around with us, move to move, house to house, and we're finally using it!

Just a little up close detail on the changer. We changed out the plain white knobs that came with it and upgraded with these antique looking ones from Hobby Lobby.

The opposite wall. The picture to the left is a picture Darrell found at an estate sale. He thinks it's perfect because it's a little swinging on a tree. Not really my style, but I can live with a little bit of "daddy" touch on the room.  The other two were cheap canvas from Hobby Lobby that I thought matched the little animals that kind of accidently became a theme and added some color.

Aaah, her crib. I love love love this crib. And the bottom is a drawer that I'm planning on using for extra sheets.

Her sweet little mobile.  After Darrell turned it on he played the song and I teared up a little.

The other wall.  Her tall dresser is missing most of the knobs that match the changer, but they've been ordered and should be here next week.  Again, the print my cousin ordered her and another owl statue. This one isn't so "baby", but again, Darrell picked it out and I don't want to override everything he likes.

Her closet! This little girl has a ton of clothes already. These are only newborn, 0-3, and 3 month clothes, plus some in the closet.  Plus two plastic storage bins of bigger sizes.


We also picked up a white wooden glider and ottoman at Kids Exchange Friday for a steal. The cushions were blue and white striped and pretty filthy, but we're going to have them dry cleaned and my aunt is going to reupholster them. Now, just to find a place for a glider. I'm thinking in front of the window, but we'll have to see how far it sticks out. We could always slide the crib to the wall and put in the corner, but that wouldn't be centered and I just don't know if I can live with it that way.

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