Friday, February 15, 2013

Ultrasound update

We had our follow-up ultrasound this morning. The issue at the last ultrasound at 16 weeks was that placenta was low lying, or close to the birth canal. The doctor said 90% of the time the placenta moves up on its own. The alternative would be placenta previa, meaning it drops lower and covers the birth canal resulting in a c-section. Well as of today the placenta has moved up and it's no longer a concern. Her spine and heart still look great!

We did learn that is she breech (head up) but the nurse isn't concerned at this point. She has plenty of time to move on her own. We also found out that the placement of the umbilical cord into the placenta isn't ideal. Typically, it enters at the top, hers enters at the side. The only risk that the nurse mentioned was low birth weight. She weighed 1.8 lbs today which I thought was pretty good, but the nurse said its the 38th percentile. The plan is to now been seen by the specialist every four weeks to measure her growth and check on her positioning. I have to say getting to see her monthly is fine by me, but ultimately I just want her to grow and be healthy!! The doctor wasn't available this morning but the nurse did say she would review everything and if she needed to add any additional information, she would call.

I'm typically of the philosophy that if the doctor isn't concerned I shouldn't be either, but of course I'm worried. In the scheme of things, it isn't anything major. I guess I never expected to hear "everything's good, but..." I really like the doctors I'm seeing and have full confidence that they'll help me make the best decisions.

For now, here's a few pictures of my little cutie pie! I love those little lips!!

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