Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I am: 25 weeks.
Baby is the size of a(n): head of cauliflower                               

I've gained: 8-9 I think
Maternity Clothes: Yes, most of the time. Even though this weekend I did attempt the hair tie trick on the buttons of my favorite jeans. It worked and I could still wear them :)

My mood: is still insanely and irrationally emotional. I cry at the drop of a hat.. good, bad, and for absolutely no reason at all.

Gender: baby GIRL!!! I'm starting to think she won't have a definite name until she gets here. I've even stopped calling her Avery outloud because Darrell just isn't sure. He has no other suggestions (except the same ones we've already ruled out over and over and over again). It makes me kinda sad to not have a name to call her by, but she'll get one eventually right?

Cravings: sweets again...
What I'm missing: easy mobility. I wore tennis shoes for the first time in forever today and it wasn't comfortable to bend down and tie them. Toms it is!
Highlights/ Exciting moments: Seeing my sweet little cutie Friday is still holding me over. I love the 3d/4d pictures and I look at them all of the time. It's so awesome to see her little features. I see Darrell's features in her already.
Complaints: Heartburn can suck it. (I'm so mature, I know, but that's how I really feel about it.)
Wedding ring: Still on!

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