Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's a...

GIRL!! I had a feeling it was a girl the whole time. I am so excited. Darrell was really pulling a boy, but we went and did some pre-registering shopping today and I think he got kinda excited :)  Even though we agree on nothing, but I'll get to that later. 

The ultrasound Friday was awesome. It was about 30-35 minutes so that they could get a good look at all parts of little one. She was posing and showing off. At one point, the tech even said she was going to try to get her to flip on her stomach so we could see her spine better, and sure enough, as soon as she said it, she flipped over! Baby was being soo cute!!  Here she is at 16weeks, 3 days.

When I saw the doctor she was concerned that my placenta is low, but can't yet diagnose placenta previa (I'd have to be 20 weeks). I have to have another ultrasound at 24 weeks... if it's moved up, we're all good, if not, it basically means (without getting into too many details) that I will not be able to deliver and will have to have a c-section. There are a few other risks, but nothing major and I haven't shown any signs or symptoms of those yet.  The doctor did say that it is highly likely that the placenta will move up with the baby, so we'll just have to wait and see. The plus side is that I get another ultrasound and see baby again. 

We had Christmas with my Downs family this weekend (that's where we did the reveal cake Friday night). My cousin is in from China with her husband and their two girls. It was so good to see them, and she brought me so much good stuff!!!

After everyone was leaving today, Darrell, my parents and I went to BuyBuyBaby. Wow, baby heaven/ overload. It was reinforced that Darrell and I have completely different tastes... in everything. We did agree on a stroller travel system, but that's about it.  The big difference is the bedding. I want something soft, simple, not overly pink or overly "baby", no themes.  He likes the very baby-ish, girl-ish, bedding in a bag kinda thing. He even suggested Winnie the Pooh... oh Lord, help me!!!  But, I think I may be making some progress with my top name!

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